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Monday, 26 September 2016

Engrossed in learning!

We are very lucky to have access to the school ipads weekly.
They really enhance our lessons and we enjoy learning on them.

We receive the ipads 3 times a week:

1. On a Monday, during English station teaching we use the ipads at one of our stations. For this block of station teaching, we are using the ipads to learn about different forms of 'recount' writing. Today we explored news articles using the ipads.

2. On Monday afternoons during 'buddy reading' time with Ms. Farrell's Junior Infants we share the ipads. Today was our first time working with the junior infants. We really enjoyed pairing up with our new buddies to teach them how to use the ipads. Next week we will pick a suitable story on the ipads for our new junior buddies, it will be a great chance for our class to practice our reading fluency.

3. Every Wednesday afternoon we work on the ipads to develop our learning in different subjects. Last week we had an introduction to Blogging which the class are going to start doing next week. The pevious week we linked in with our Geography work and did some research on our local area.

We are very confident users of ICT in our class and really look forward to using technology in the class as much as we can.

Keep an eye on our blog for more information on all the learning in our class.

Ms. Calnan working with the boys on the ipads!
Busy at work!

Engrossed in our learning!


  1. Lovely blog��������������������

  2. our class really loves to learn.:) S.G
